Carl Spencer auction fetches £10k

Belongings of late deep wreck diver attract bids

New guide to diving in the Farnes by Ron Young

New Farnes dive guide on way

178 sites dived and detailed in Ron Young's latest work

Want to dive for free...?

Win free diving with Aquanauts

Weekend with one of Plymouth's finest up for grabs

Killer shark movie announced

Halle Berry stars in latest PR disaster for sharks

Odyssey to salvage HMS Victory

British Government approves plan to raise artefacts

DUI man and DUI woman

DUI sets off on US tour

North American road show will present DUI range

Simply's new Manhattan loft apartment... er, retail premises

Simply Scuba opens new shop

New walk-in showroom for UK online retailer

Mark Powell of Dive-Tech

Mark Powell to attend Rebreather Forum 3

Top UK technical instructor throws his weight behind Florida meet

British WW2 sub located off Malta

ROV sent down to explore remarkably intact HMS Olympus

Diver helps locate ancient sites in Scotland

5,000 year-old pottery recovered from beneath a loch

Aqua Lung Legend LUX

Aqua Lung Legend series for 2012

Refined and re-worked series of enduring Legend range