Deep wreck search fails to find gold

No sign of stolen treasure in broken remains of Japanese WW2 ship

160 year-old mystery wreck named

Archaeologists locate remains of sailing barque sunk in 1852

Picture of a Red Sea jellyfish

Oonasdivers to hold Red Sea workshop

Explorer Jamie Watts to host educational week

GoPro Dive Housing on sale

Flat port corrects blur problem for underwater use

Picture of the FLY BCD by Finn Sub

Finn Sub launches FLY wings

Modular system designed using the DIR ethos

Picture of the Hollis Gear NeoTek semidry suit

Hollis NeoTek for cold water

Impressive semi is an alternative to diving dry

Picture of the Suunto D4i computer

Real divers wear pink

Suunto D4i - this time it's personalised

Picture of seagulls on a UK beach

UK beaches in top shape

25th Good Beach Guide paints a rosier picture of our coast

Aquarium divers wanted

Volunteers needed in Plymouth to feed fish and clean tanks

Picture of Stoney Cove in Leicestershire

Stoney Cove set for Scubapro day

Splash-in at the quarry with the latest gadgets and gizmos

Picture of the Mares Instinct 12S regulator

Meet the Mares Instinct 12S

Lightweight reg will take on Apeks Flight and Aqua Lung Mikron