RGS dive lectures return in March 2014

Doug Allan and Monty Halls front Scuba Trust event

BARE Elastek, Velocity and Sport wetsuits

BARE wetsuits awarded top thermal rating

Three suits offer protection in water as cold as 7 degrees

Blue of the Red Sea

Mares and SSI join forces

Manufacturer acquires training agency in industry first

Boilers on the Iona II wreck site

Dive trail proposed for Lundy Island

Your feedback is wanted on new proposed protected wreck trail

Picture of diving with Werner Lau

Zeagle competition goodies up for grabs

Snap-happy Zeagle owners can win free gear

BARE SB drysuit

BARE SB goes on sale

Delayed hi-tech drysuit finally hits the shelves

Atomic Aquatics T3 regulator

Atomic T3 and Z3 regulators reach the UK

New generation of high performance regs in time for Christmas

Male Lumpsucker on the Outer Mulberry

27 new Marine Conservation Zones announced

Total falls short of the 127 areas BSAC campaigned for

Dr Jean-Luc Solandt (l) and Monty Halls

Win a dive with Monty Halls

Ultimate marine conservation experience up for grabs

Gareth Lock of Cognitas

Cognitas safety talks – new dates

Series of diving safety presentations during autumn

Paul Rose to talk in London

Celebrity diver and explorer fronts conservation society evening