Caribbean island ready for clean green energy

First step is to map surrounding waters for future development of floating offshore wind farms

Author: Pat
17th July 2023

Fugro Brasilis survey vessel

The Caribbean island of Curaçao has enlisted the help of Dutch ocean technology giant Fugro to help it become a regional leader in the production and export of green energy.

The Government of Curaçao has asked Fugro to map the seabed of the island’s surrounding waters for future development of floating offshore wind farms. The Curaçao Government’s target is to realise 6GW in renewable energy capacity by 2035, which is more than the domestic need for energy, ultimately enabling the production and export of green hydrogen.

This development is a hugely important step for Curaçao in its efforts to accelerate the transition to green energy and strengthen its economy. The survey work by Fugro follows on a feasibility assessment by research organisation TNO, which concluded that Curaçao’s territorial waters are some of the best in the world for large scale deployment of floating offshore wind.

Coordinated by Fugro’s Americas team, the vessel Fugro Brasilis will survey the area to improve the understanding of the local seabed, subsurface and marine environment. This geophysical reconnaissance survey will be used to create a comprehensive report on local conditions. This information empowers the Government of Curaçao in making first steps in determining best locations for floating offshore wind farms and preservation of the marine ecosystem.

The island has ambitions to produce and export green hydrogen

Curaçao’s ambition is to deploy the resources of the island in partnership with strategic alliances, gaining and maintaining a competitive edge through the production and export of hydrogen and other green carriers. The mega-project is developed in alliance with the Netherlands, providing the opportunity for Curaçao to position itself as a regional forerunner and potential supplier of sustainable energy to the Netherlands and other countries.

Ramon Chong, President of the Working Group Offshore Floating Wind of the Ministry of Economic Development of Curaçao, said: “We are pleased to bring Fugro on board. Their work will pave the way for Curaçao’s long-term investment in our green economic growth potential. Our aim is to increase our financial and economic competitiveness and accelerate our energy transition targets”.

“For island economies, climate change is already an existential reality. We are particularly happy to work closely with the Government of Curaçao to support their vision to lead in the production and export of green energy. Their ambition aligns strongly with our mission to contribute to a safe and liveable world”, said Fugro CEO Mark Heine.

The long-term investment is partly financed by the Sustainable Energy Generation and Climate Transition Incentive fund from the Government of the Netherlands.

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