Less tasty than a cod, easier to spot
The Pollock is one of the most abundant fish found in shallow UK seas, and schools lazily in numbers around wrecks, rocky reefs and kelp beds.
This large and easily identifiable fish is a relation of the deepwater cod, and while pollock may not compete to be the nation’s favourite white fish, it still finds itself ‘on the hook’ to be processed into foods such as fish fingers.
in 2009 Sainsbury’s tried to re-brand pollock as ‘colin’
In 2009 Sainsbury’s supermarket attempted to re-brand pollock as ‘colin’ – with all the success you’d expect of making a fish sound like an old geezer (ie: none.)
Look out for pollock on a dive, they’re relatively slow-moving and seem to enjoy hanging in currents. I’ve often been accompanied by large numbers of them drifting aimlessly around, adding to the ambience above a wreck or two, and as shallow as ten metres or less.
- Above, under and inside wrecks
- Circling over rocky outcrops
Key identifying features
- Long, elongated diamond-shaped body
- Up to 75cm long inshore (larger recorded)

VIDEO: Wels catfish
A collection of glimpses, close encounters and near misses with a 6-ft freshwater catfish

5 facts about Conger eels that may surprise you
Look out for the bluey-grey flesh under hull plates and hiding in pipes