Jill Heinerth at Rebreather Forum 3
World’s top CCR divers to speak at Florida event
The line-up of professional speakers booked for Rebreather Forum 3 includes explorer Jill Heinerth.
Jill is an underwater filmmaker, cave diver, explorer and photographer of repute. She’s also a hugely accomplished CCR diver.
Her talk has the all-too familiar heading “When things go wrong.”
She’s not the only speaker of course. For RB3, organisers have assembled a definitive panel of renowned CCR experts.
a definitive panel of experts
Kevin Gurr of VR Technology will talk about CO2 sensors, Richie Kohler of Shadow Divers fame about CCR checklists and Dr Neal Pollock will deliver his excellent talk about physiology.
Bill Stone’s lecture is titled “Hazard Analysis and Human Factors in Rebreather Diving”, while Bruce Partridge opted more simply for: “And Don’t Get It Wet…”
Rebreather Forum 2 took place in 1996, so these are not exactly everyday get-togethers. Rebreather Forum 3 looks like a must-visit event for those stricken by the CCR bug.
It will take place in Orlando, Florida USA from May 18-20th, and is sponsored by DAN, PADI and the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS).
Registration is now open. Entry tickets are available priced from just under $300.

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