Basking sharks spotted by air
Local pilot to scour area from above in search of sharks
Porthkerris Divers is primed to spot Basking sharks from the air this season.
The Cornwall-based outfit has employed the skills of an airborne spotter, in the shape of a local pilot.
an extra pair of eyes in the skies
Basking sharks are seasonal visitors and massive animals – the second largest fish in the sea.
But with just their dorsal fins showing above the water, Baskers can be hard to spot.
So having an extra pair of eyes in the skies above seems like an eminently sensible solution.
The aerial shark spotter will maximise customer chances of seeing these amazing animals as they arrive in shallow water to filter-feed.
Porthkerris Divers remarked: “the experts say it’s going to be a great year for sightings!” Let’s hope they’re right.
Basking sharks should be in the vicinity around May or June, and could remain as late as August.
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