Oceanic drysuits with free undersuit
Special offer thermals thrown in with drysuit purchase
Customers who buy a new Oceanic Aerdura drysuit in April will get a free undersuit thrown in.
The stylish and hard-wearing Aerdura Black utilises the same design preferred by military divers.
It’s constructed using hardy trilaminate layers of Cordura, to protect against wear and tear.
Oceanic’s off-the-shelf design is still flexible thanks to a choice of front or back zip, pocket attached to the right thigh, and ‘telescopic’ properties of the material.
The Oceanic Aerdura Black retails for 695 pounds from all major dive retailers.
Anyone ordering an Aerdura Black, HD400s, or FlexDURA will receive a free UGGI undersuit until the end of April 2011.

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