Hollis introducing Explorer Sport CCR
Star Wars fans are going to love this futuristic new unit
Hollis Gear is to enter the rebreather market by introducting the new Explorer Sport CCR.
This stylish and futuristic looking unit is the result of a collaboration with British outfit, VR Technology.
Strictly speaking, the new Hollis backpack is neither a full closed circuit rebreather (CCR) nor a semi-closed circuit rebreather (SCCR.)
Instead, Hollis talks of an ‘intelligent hybrid’, utilising the best of both worlds.
The Explorer Sport comes with another unique selling point, in that it’s configured for use of Nitrox only. That should make it ideal for use by recreational divers.
Hollis Gear says its baby is compact, lightweight and straightforward to operate, too. A ‘go or no go’ system kicks in at startup, after which the unit’s ECU constantly monitors O2 partial pressures, as well as checking CO2 buildup.
And to reduce complexity, VR and Hollis have designed the Explorer Sport around a ‘Plug and Play’ cartridge system for the scrubbers.

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