Big shark pic wins Dive Of The Year
Big picture of big fish wins big prize
A picture of a basking shark lurking behind a diver has won BSAC’s Dive Of The Year competition.
Rebreather diver Jason Street of London submitted his picture for consideration in the contest.
Clearly there’s significant photographic talent out there in the UK, with high quality entries aplenty.
Other subjects included caves, wrecks, macro close-up shots and even a Great White head-on, albeit taken from within a cage.
But Mr Street’s well-timed shot of the Basking Sharks perfectly conveys the size of these impressive animals.
It was taken off Baltimore, South West Ireland. Jason wins £100 from BSAC for his picture.
His chosen caption read: “Sometimes a below average dive can turn in to a dive you will never forget in less then 4 seconds.”
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